Source code for padua.analysis

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import requests
import scipy as sp
from scipy import stats

    import sklearn
except ImportError:
    sklearn = False
    from sklearn.decomposition import PCA    

    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO

from . import filters, process
from .utils import get_protein_id

[docs]def correlation(df, rowvar=False): """ Calculate column-wise Pearson correlations using ```` Input data is masked to ignore NaNs when calculating correlations. Data is returned as a Pandas ``DataFrame`` of column_n x column_n dimensions, with column index copied to both axes. :param df: Pandas DataFrame :return: Pandas DataFrame (n_columns x n_columns) of column-wise correlations """ # Create a correlation matrix for all correlations # of the columns (filled with na for all values) df = df.copy() maskv =, df.values) cdf =, rowvar=False) cdf = pd.DataFrame(np.array(cdf)) cdf.columns = df.columns cdf.index = df.columns return cdf
[docs]def pca(df, n_components=2, mean_center=False, **kwargs): """ Principal Component Analysis, based on `sklearn.decomposition.PCA` Performs a principal component analysis (PCA) on the supplied dataframe, selecting the first ``n_components`` components in the resulting model. The model scores and weights are returned. For more information on PCA and the algorithm used, see the `scikit-learn documentation <>`_. :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` to perform the analysis on :param n_components: ``int`` number of components to select :param mean_center: ``bool`` mean center the data before performing PCA :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to `sklearn.decomposition.PCA` :return: scores ``DataFrame`` of PCA scores n_components x n_samples weights ``DataFrame`` of PCA weights n_variables x n_components """ if not sklearn: assert('This library depends on scikit-learn (sklearn) to perform PCA analysis') from sklearn.decomposition import PCA df = df.copy() # We have to zero fill, nan errors in PCA df[ np.isnan(df) ] = 0 if mean_center: mean = np.mean(df.values, axis=0) df = df - mean pca = PCA(n_components=n_components, **kwargs) scores = pd.DataFrame(pca.transform(df.values.T)).T scores.index = ['Principal Component %d (%.2f%%)' % ( (n+1), pca.explained_variance_ratio_[n]*100 ) for n in range(0, scores.shape[0])] scores.columns = df.columns weights = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_).T weights.index = df.index weights.columns = ['Weights on Principal Component %d' % (n+1) for n in range(0, weights.shape[1])] return scores, weights
[docs]def plsda(df, a, b, n_components=2, mean_center=False, scale=True, **kwargs): """ Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis, based on `sklearn.cross_decomposition.PLSRegression` Performs a binary group partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) on the supplied dataframe, selecting the first ``n_components``. Sample groups are defined by the selectors ``a`` and ``b`` which are used to select columns from the supplied dataframe. The result model is applied to the entire dataset, projecting non-selected samples into the same space. For more information on PLS regression and the algorithm used, see the `scikit-learn documentation <>`_. :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` to perform the analysis on :param a: Column selector for group a :param b: Column selector for group b :param n_components: ``int`` number of components to select :param mean_center: ``bool`` mean center the data before performing PLS regression :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to `sklearn.cross_decomposition.PLSRegression` :return: scores ``DataFrame`` of PLSDA scores n_components x n_samples weights ``DataFrame`` of PLSDA weights n_variables x n_components """ if not sklearn: assert('This library depends on scikit-learn (sklearn) to perform PLS-DA') from sklearn.cross_decomposition import PLSRegression df = df.copy() # We have to zero fill, nan errors in PLSRegression df[ np.isnan(df) ] = 0 if mean_center: mean = np.mean(df.values, axis=0) df = df - mean sxa, _ = df.columns.get_loc_level(a) sxb, _ = df.columns.get_loc_level(b) dfa = df.iloc[:, sxa] dfb = df.iloc[:, sxb] dff = pd.concat([dfa, dfb], axis=1) y = np.ones(dff.shape[1]) y[np.arange(dfa.shape[1])] = 0 plsr = PLSRegression(n_components=n_components, scale=scale, **kwargs), y) # Apply the generated model to the original data x_scores = plsr.transform(df.values.T) scores = pd.DataFrame(x_scores.T) scores.index = ['Latent Variable %d' % (n+1) for n in range(0, scores.shape[0])] scores.columns = df.columns weights = pd.DataFrame(plsr.x_weights_) weights.index = df.index weights.columns = ['Weights on Latent Variable %d' % (n+1) for n in range(0, weights.shape[1])] loadings = pd.DataFrame(plsr.x_loadings_) loadings.index = df.index loadings.columns = ['Loadings on Latent Variable %d' % (n+1) for n in range(0, loadings.shape[1])] return scores, weights, loadings
[docs]def plsr(df, v, n_components=2, mean_center=False, scale=True, **kwargs): """ Partial Least Squares Regression Analysis, based on `sklearn.cross_decomposition.PLSRegression` Performs a partial least squares regression (PLS-R) on the supplied dataframe ``df`` against the provided continuous variable ``v``, selecting the first ``n_components``. For more information on PLS regression and the algorithm used, see the `scikit-learn documentation <>`_. :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` to perform the analysis on :param v: Continuous variable to perform regression against :param n_components: ``int`` number of components to select :param mean_center: ``bool`` mean center the data before performing PLS regression :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to `sklearn.cross_decomposition.PLSRegression` :return: scores ``DataFrame`` of PLS-R scores n_components x n_samples weights ``DataFrame`` of PLS-R weights n_variables x n_components """ if not sklearn: assert('This library depends on scikit-learn (sklearn) to perform PLS-DA') from sklearn.cross_decomposition import PLSRegression df = df.copy() # We have to zero fill, nan errors in PLSRegression df[ np.isnan(df) ] = 0 if mean_center: mean = np.mean(df.values, axis=0) df = df - mean #TODO: Extract values if v is DataFrame? plsr = PLSRegression(n_components=n_components, scale=scale, **kwargs), v) scores = pd.DataFrame(plsr.x_scores_.T) scores.index = ['Latent Variable %d' % (n+1) for n in range(0, scores.shape[0])] scores.columns = df.columns weights = pd.DataFrame(plsr.x_weights_) weights.index = df.index weights.columns = ['Weights on Latent Variable %d' % (n+1) for n in range(0, weights.shape[1])] loadings = pd.DataFrame(plsr.x_loadings_) loadings.index = df.index loadings.columns = ['Loadings on Latent Variable %d' % (n+1) for n in range(0, loadings.shape[1])] #r = plsr.score(df.values.T, v) predicted = plsr.predict(df.values.T) return scores, weights, loadings, predicted
def _non_zero_sum(df): # Following is just to build the template; actual calculate below dfo = df.sum(axis=0, level=0) for c in df.columns.values: dft = df[c] dfo[c] = dft[ dft > 0].sum(axis=0, level=0) return dfo
[docs]def enrichment_from_evidence(dfe, modification="Phospho (STY)"): """ Calculate relative enrichment of peptide modifications from evidence.txt. Taking a modifiedsitepeptides ``DataFrame`` returns the relative enrichment of the specified modification in the table. The returned data columns are generated from the input data columns. :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` of evidence :return: Pandas ``DataFrame`` of percentage modifications in the supplied data. """ dfe = dfe.reset_index().set_index('Experiment') dfe['Modifications'] = np.array([modification in m for m in dfe['Modifications']]) dfe = dfe.set_index('Modifications', append=True) dfes = dfe.sum(axis=0, level=[0,1]).T columns = dfes.sum(axis=1, level=0).columns total = dfes.sum(axis=1, level=0).values.flatten() # Total values modified = dfes.iloc[0, dfes.columns.get_level_values('Modifications').values ].values # Modified enrichment = modified / total return pd.DataFrame([enrichment], columns=columns, index=['% Enrichment'])
[docs]def enrichment_from_msp(dfmsp, modification="Phospho (STY)"): """ Calculate relative enrichment of peptide modifications from modificationSpecificPeptides.txt. Taking a modifiedsitepeptides ``DataFrame`` returns the relative enrichment of the specified modification in the table. The returned data columns are generated from the input data columns. :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` of modificationSpecificPeptides :return: Pandas ``DataFrame`` of percentage modifications in the supplied data. """ dfmsp['Modifications'] = np.array([modification in m for m in dfmsp['Modifications']]) dfmsp = dfmsp.set_index(['Modifications']) dfmsp = dfmsp.filter(regex='Intensity ') dfmsp[ dfmsp == 0] = np.nan df_r = dfmsp.sum(axis=0, level=0) modified = df_r.loc[True].values total = df_r.sum(axis=0).values enrichment = modified / total return pd.DataFrame([enrichment], columns=dfmsp.columns, index=['% Enrichment'])
[docs]def sitespeptidesproteins(df, site_localization_probability=0.75): """ Generate summary count of modified sites, peptides and proteins in a processed dataset ``DataFrame``. Returns the number of sites, peptides and proteins as calculated as follows: - `sites` (>0.75; or specified site localization probability) count of all sites > threshold - `peptides` the set of `Sequence windows` in the dataset (unique peptides) - `proteins` the set of unique leading proteins in the dataset :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` of processed data :param site_localization_probability: ``float`` site localization probability threshold (for sites calculation) :return: ``tuple`` of ``int``, containing sites, peptides, proteins """ sites = filters.filter_localization_probability(df, site_localization_probability)['Sequence window'] peptides = set(df['Sequence window']) proteins = set([str(p).split(';')[0] for p in df['Proteins']]) return len(sites), len(peptides), len(proteins)
[docs]def modifiedaminoacids(df): """ Calculate the number of modified amino acids in supplied ``DataFrame``. Returns the total of all modifications and the total for each amino acid individually, as an ``int`` and a ``dict`` of ``int``, keyed by amino acid, respectively. :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` containing processed data. :return: total_aas ``int`` the total number of all modified amino acids quants ``dict`` of ``int`` keyed by amino acid, giving individual counts for each aa. """ amino_acids = list(df['Amino acid'].values) aas = set(amino_acids) quants = {} for aa in aas: quants[aa] = amino_acids.count(aa) total_aas = len(amino_acids) return total_aas, quants
[docs]def go_enrichment(df, enrichment='function', organism='Homo sapiens', summary=True, fdr=0.05, ids_from=['Proteins','Protein IDs']): """ Calculate gene ontology (GO) enrichment for a specified set of indices, using the PantherDB GO enrichment service. Provided with a processed data ``DataFrame`` will calculate the GO ontology enrichment specified by `enrichment`, for the specified `organism`. The IDs to use for genes are taken from the field `ids_from`, which by default is compatible with both proteinGroups and modified peptide tables. Setting the `fdr` parameter (default=0.05) sets the cut-off to use for filtering the results. If `summary` is ``True`` (default) the returned ``DataFrame`` contains just the ontology summary and FDR. :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` to :param enrichment: ``str`` GO enrichment method to use (one of 'function', 'process', 'cellular_location', 'protein_class', 'pathway') :param organism: ``str`` organism name (e.g. "Homo sapiens") :param summary: ``bool`` return full, or summarised dataset :param fdr: ``float`` FDR cut-off to use for returned GO enrichments :param ids_from: ``list`` of ``str`` containing the index levels to select IDs from (genes, protein IDs, etc.) default=['Proteins','Protein IDs'] :return: Pandas ``DataFrame`` containing enrichments, sorted by P value. """ if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(df, pd.Series): l = list(set(ids_from) & set(df.index.names))[0] data = "\n".join([get_protein_id(s) for s in df.index.get_level_values(l)]) else: data = "\n".join([get_protein_id(s) for s in df]) r ="", data={ 'organism': organism, 'type': 'enrichment', 'enrichmentType': enrichment}, files = { 'geneList': ('genelist.txt', StringIO(data) ), } ) try: go = pd.read_csv(StringIO(r.text), sep='\t', skiprows=5, lineterminator='\n', header=None) except ValueError: return None go.columns = ["GO", "Name", "Protein", "P"] go = go.set_index(["GO","Name"]) if summary: go = go.drop("Protein", axis=1).mean(axis=0, level=["GO","Name"]) if fdr: go = go[ go["P"] < fdr ] return go.sort_values(by="P", ascending=True)
[docs]def anova_1way(df, *args, fdr=0.05): """ Perform Analysis of Variation (ANOVA) on provided dataframe and for specified groups. Groups for analysis can be specified as individual arguments, e.g. anova(df, "Group A", "Group B") anova(df, ("Group A", 5), ("Group B", 5)) At least 2 groups must be provided. :return: Dataframe containing selected groups and P/T/sig value for the comparisons. """ if len(args) < 2: raise Exception("Not enough arguments. Provide at least two group/indexes for comparison.") # Select columns for test df = df[list(args)] pv = [] tv = [] for n in range(df.shape[0]): data = [] for idx in args: dv = df.iloc[n][idx].values dv =, dv) data.append(dv) # Calculate the p value between two groups (t-test) t, p = sp.stats.mstats.f_oneway(*data) pv.append(p) tv.append(t) df['ANOVA p'] = pv df['ANOVA t'] = tv df['ANOVA sig'] = np.array(pv) <= fdr return df