Source code for padua.utils

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.interpolate

[docs]def qvalues(pv, m = None, verbose = False, lowmem = False, pi0 = None): """ Copyright (c) 2012, Nicolo Fusi, University of Sheffield All rights reserved. Estimates q-values from p-values Args ===== m: number of tests. If not specified m = pv.size verbose: print verbose messages? (default False) lowmem: use memory-efficient in-place algorithm pi0: if None, it's estimated as suggested in Storey and Tibshirani, 2003. For most GWAS this is not necessary, since pi0 is extremely likely to be 1 :param pv: :param m: :param verbose: :param lowmem: :param pi0: :return: """ assert(pv.min() >= 0 and pv.max() <= 1), "p-values should be between 0 and 1" original_shape = pv.shape pv = pv.ravel() # flattens the array in place, more efficient than flatten() if m == None: m = float(len(pv)) else: # the user has supplied an m m *= 1.0 # if the number of hypotheses is small, just set pi0 to 1 if len(pv) < 100 and pi0 == None: pi0 = 1.0 elif pi0 != None: pi0 = pi0 else: # evaluate pi0 for different lambdas pi0 = [] lam = sp.arange(0, 0.90, 0.01) counts = sp.array([(pv > i).sum() for i in sp.arange(0, 0.9, 0.01)]) for l in range(len(lam)): pi0.append(counts[l]/(m*(1-lam[l]))) pi0 = sp.array(pi0) # fit natural cubic spline tck = sp.interpolate.splrep(lam, pi0, k = 3) pi0 = sp.interpolate.splev(lam[-1], tck) if pi0 > 1: if verbose: print("got pi0 > 1 (%.3f) while estimating qvalues, setting it to 1" % pi0) pi0 = 1.0 assert(pi0 >= 0 and pi0 <= 1), "pi0 is not between 0 and 1: %f" % pi0 if lowmem: # low memory version, only uses 1 pv and 1 qv matrices qv = sp.zeros((len(pv),)) last_pv = pv.argmax() qv[last_pv] = (pi0*pv[last_pv]*m)/float(m) pv[last_pv] = -sp.inf prev_qv = last_pv for i in range(int(len(pv))-2, -1, -1): cur_max = pv.argmax() qv_i = (pi0*m*pv[cur_max]/float(i+1)) pv[cur_max] = -sp.inf qv_i1 = prev_qv qv[cur_max] = min(qv_i, qv_i1) prev_qv = qv[cur_max] else: p_ordered = sp.argsort(pv) pv = pv[p_ordered] qv = pi0 * m/len(pv) * pv qv[-1] = min(qv[-1],1.0) for i in range(len(pv)-2, -1, -1): qv[i] = min(pi0*m*pv[i]/(i+1.0), qv[i+1]) # reorder qvalues qv_temp = qv.copy() qv = sp.zeros_like(qv) qv[p_ordered] = qv_temp # reshape qvalues qv = qv.reshape(original_shape) return qv
[docs]def get_protein_id(s): """ Return a shortened string, split on spaces, underlines and semicolons. Extract the first, highest-ranked protein ID from a string containing protein IDs in MaxQuant output format: e.g. P07830;P63267;Q54A44;P63268 Long names (containing species information) are eliminated (split on ' ') and isoforms are removed (split on '_'). :param s: protein IDs in MaxQuant format :type s: str or unicode :return: string """ return str(s).split(';')[0].split(' ')[0].split('_')[0]
[docs]def get_protein_ids(s): """ Return a list of shortform protein IDs. Extract all protein IDs from a string containing protein IDs in MaxQuant output format: e.g. P07830;P63267;Q54A44;P63268 Long names (containing species information) are eliminated (split on ' ') and isoforms are removed (split on '_'). :param s: protein IDs in MaxQuant format :type s: str or unicode :return: list of string ids """ return [p.split(' ')[0].split('_')[0] for p in s.split(';') ]
[docs]def get_protein_id_list(df, level=0): """ Return a complete list of shortform IDs from a DataFrame Extract all protein IDs from a dataframe from multiple rows containing protein IDs in MaxQuant output format: e.g. P07830;P63267;Q54A44;P63268 Long names (containing species information) are eliminated (split on ' ') and isoforms are removed (split on '_'). :param df: DataFrame :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param level: Level of DataFrame index to extract IDs from :type level: int or str :return: list of string ids """ protein_list = [] for s in df.index.get_level_values(level): protein_list.extend( get_protein_ids(s) ) return list(set(protein_list))
[docs]def get_shortstr(s): """ Return the first part of a string before a semicolon. Extract the first, highest-ranked protein ID from a string containing protein IDs in MaxQuant output format: e.g. P07830;P63267;Q54A44;P63268 :param s: protein IDs in MaxQuant format :type s: str or unicode :return: string """ return str(s).split(';')[0]
[docs]def get_index_list(l, ms): """ :param l: :param ms: :return: """ if type(ms) != list and type(ms) != tuple: ms = [ms] return [l.index(s) for s in ms if s in l]
[docs]def build_combined_label(sl, idxs, sep=' ', label_format=None): """ Generate a combined label from a list of indexes into sl, by joining them with `sep` (str). :param sl: Strings to combine :type sl: dict of str :param idxs: Indexes into sl :type idxs: list of sl keys :param sep: :return: `str` of combined label """ if label_format: return label_format % tuple([get_shortstr(str(sl[n])) for n in idxs]) else: return sep.join([get_shortstr(str(sl[n])) for n in idxs])
[docs]def hierarchical_match(d, k, default=None): """ Match a key against a dict, simplifying element at a time :param df: DataFrame :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param level: Level of DataFrame index to extract IDs from :type level: int or str :return: hiearchically matched value or default """ if d is None: return default if type(k) != list and type(k) != tuple: k = [k] for n, _ in enumerate(k): key = tuple(k[0:len(k)-n]) if len(key) == 1: key = key[0] try: d[key] except: pass else: return d[key] return default
[docs]def chunks(seq, num): """ Separate `seq` (`np.array`) into `num` series of as-near-as possible equal length values. :param seq: Sequence to split :type seq: np.array :param num: Number of parts to split sequence into :type num: int :return: np.array of split parts """ avg = len(seq) / float(num) out = [] last = 0.0 while last < len(seq): out.append(seq[int(last):int(last + avg)]) last += avg return np.array(out)
[docs]def calculate_s0_curve(s0, minpval, maxpval, minratio, maxratio, curve_interval=0.1): """ Calculate s0 curve for volcano plot. Taking an min and max p value, and a min and max ratio, calculate an smooth curve starting from parameter `s0` in each direction. The `curve_interval` parameter defines the smoothness of the resulting curve. :param s0: `float` offset of curve from interset :param minpval: `float` minimum p value :param maxpval: `float` maximum p value :param minratio: `float` minimum ratio :param maxratio: `float` maximum ratio :param curve_interval: `float` stepsize (smoothness) of curve generator :return: x, y, fn x,y points of curve, and fn generator """ mminpval = -np.log10(minpval) mmaxpval = -np.log10(maxpval) maxpval_adjust = mmaxpval - mminpval ax0 = (s0 + maxpval_adjust * minratio) / maxpval_adjust edge_offset = (maxratio-ax0) % curve_interval max_x = maxratio-edge_offset if (max_x > ax0): x = np.arange(ax0, max_x, curve_interval) else: x = np.arange(max_x, ax0, curve_interval) fn = lambda x: 10 ** (-s0/(x-minratio) - mminpval) y = fn(x) return x, y, fn
[docs]def find_nearest_idx(array,value): """ :param array: :param value: :return: """ array = array.copy() array[np.isnan(array)] = 1 idx = (np.abs(array-value)).argmin() return idx