Source code for padua.analysis

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import requests

    import sklearn
except ImportError:
    sklearn = False
    from sklearn.decomposition import PCA    

    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO

from . import filters
from .utils import get_protein_id

[docs]def correlation(df, rowvar=False): """ Calculate column-wise Pearson correlations using ```` Input data is masked to ignore NaNs when calculating correlations. Data is returned as a Pandas ``DataFrame`` of column_n x column_n dimensions, with column index copied to both axes. :param df: Pandas DataFrame :return: Pandas DataFrame (n_columns x n_columns) of column-wise correlations """ # Create a correlation matrix for all correlations # of the columns (filled with na for all values) df = df.copy() maskv =, df.values) cdf =, rowvar=False) cdf = pd.DataFrame(np.array(cdf)) cdf.columns = df.columns cdf.index = df.columns return cdf
[docs]def pca(df, n_components=2, mean_center=False, **kwargs): """ Principal Component Analysis, based on `sklearn.decomposition.PCA` Performs a principal component analysis (PCA) on the supplied dataframe, selecting the first ``n_components`` components in the resulting model. The model scores and weights are returned. For more information on PCA and the algorithm used, see the `scikit-learn documentation <>`_. :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` to perform the analysis on :param n_components: ``int`` number of components to select :param mean_center: ``bool`` mean center the data before performing PCA :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to `sklearn.decomposition.PCA` :return: scores ``DataFrame`` of PCA scores n_components x n_samples weights ``DataFrame`` of PCA scores n_variables x n_components """ if not sklearn: assert('This library depends on scikit-learn (sklearn) to perform PCA analysis') from sklearn.decomposition import PCA df = df.copy() # We have to zero fill, nan errors in PCA df[ np.isnan(df) ] = 0 if mean_center: mean = np.mean(df.values, axis=0) df = df - mean pca = PCA(n_components=n_components, **kwargs) scores = pd.DataFrame(pca.transform(df.values.T)).T scores.index = ['Principal Component %d' % (n+1) for n in range(0, scores.shape[0])] scores.columns = df.columns weights = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_).T weights.index = df.index weights.columns = ['Weights on Principal Component %d' % (n+1) for n in range(0, weights.shape[1])] return scores, weights
[docs]def enrichment(df): """ Calculate relative enrichment of peptide modifications. Taking a modifiedsitepeptides ``DataFrame`` returns the relative enrichment of the specified modification in the table. The returned data columns are generated from the input data columns. :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` :return: Pandas ``DataFrame`` of percentage modifications in the supplied data. """ values = [] groups = [] #totals = [] dfr = df.sum(axis=1, level=0) for c in dfr.columns.values: dfx = dfr[c] dfx = dfx.dropna(axis=0, how='any') #total = len([m for m in dfx.index.values if m != 'Unmodified']) total = dfx.index.values.shape[0] # Sum up the number of phosphosites dfx = dfx.reset_index().filter(regex='Sequence|Modifications').set_index('Sequence').sum(axis=0, level=0) phosp = dfx[dfx > 0].shape[0] values.append((phosp, total-phosp)) groups.append(c) #totals.append(total) return pd.DataFrame(np.array(values).T, columns=groups, index=["",""])
[docs]def sitespeptidesproteins(df, site_localization_probability=0.75): """ Generate summary count of modified sites, peptides and proteins in a processed dataset ``DataFrame``. Returns the number of sites, peptides and proteins as calculated as follows: - `sites` (>0.75; or specified site localization probability) count of all sites > threshold - `peptides` the set of `Sequence windows` in the dataset (unique peptides) - `proteins` the set of unique leading peptides in the dataset :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` of processed data :param site_localization_probability: ``float`` site localization probability threshold (for sites calculation) :return: ``tuple`` of ``int``, containing sites, peptides, proteins """ sites = filters.filter_localization_probability(df, site_localization_probability)['Sequence window'] peptides = set(df['Sequence window']) proteins = set([p.split(';')[0] for p in df['Proteins']]) return len(sites), len(peptides), len(proteins)
[docs]def modifiedaminoacids(df): """ Calculate the number of modified amino acids in supplied ``DataFrame``. Returns the total of all modifications and the total for each amino acid individually, as an ``int`` and a ``dict`` of ``int``, keyed by amino acid, respectively. :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` containing processed data. :return: total_aas ``int`` the total number of all modified amino acids quants ``dict`` of ``int`` keyed by amino acid, giving individual counts for each aa. """ amino_acids = list(df['Amino acid'].values) aas = set(amino_acids) quants = {} for aa in aas: quants[aa] = amino_acids.count(aa) total_aas = len(amino_acids) return total_aas, quants
[docs]def go_enrichment(df, enrichment='function', organism='Homo sapiens', summary=True, fdr=0.05, ids_from=['Proteins','Protein IDs']): """ Calculate gene ontology (GO) enrichment for a specified set of indices, using the PantherDB GO enrichment service. Provided with a processed data ``DataFrame`` will calculate the GO ontology enrichment specified by `enrichment`, for the specified `organism`. The IDs to use for genes are taken from the field `ids_from`, which by default is compatible with both proteinGroups and modified peptide tables. Setting the `fdr` parameter (default=0.05) sets the cut-off to use for filtering the results. If `summary` is ``True`` (default) the returned ``DataFrame`` contains just the ontology summary and FDR. :param df: Pandas ``DataFrame`` to :param enrichment: ``str`` GO enrichment method to use (one of 'function', 'process', 'cellular_location', 'protein_class', 'pathway') :param organism: ``str`` organism name (e.g. "Homo sapiens") :param summary: ``bool`` return full, or summarised dataset :param fdr: ``float`` FDR cut-off to use for returned GO enrichments :param ids_from: ``list`` of ``str`` containing the index levels to select IDs from (genes, protein IDs, etc.) default=['Proteins','Protein IDs'] :return: Pandas ``DataFrame`` containing enrichments, sorted by P value. """ if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(df, pd.Series): l = list(set(ids_from) & set(df.index.names))[0] data = "\n".join([get_protein_id(s) for s in df.index.get_level_values(l)]) else: data = "\n".join([get_protein_id(s) for s in df]) r ="", data={ 'organism': organism, 'type': 'enrichment', 'enrichmentType': enrichment}, files = { 'geneList': ('genelist.txt', StringIO(data) ), } ) try: go = pd.read_csv(StringIO(r.text), sep='\t', skiprows=5, lineterminator='\n', header=None) except ValueError: return None go.columns = ["GO", "Name", "Protein", "P"] go = go.set_index(["GO","Name"]) if summary: go = go.drop("Protein", axis=1).mean(axis=0, level=["GO","Name"]) if fdr: go = go[ go["P"] < fdr ] return go.sort("P", ascending=True)