Source code for padua.process

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import itertools
from copy import copy

[docs]def numeric(s): """ :param s: :return: """ try: return int(s) except ValueError: try: return float(s) except ValueError: return s
[docs]def build_index_from_design(df, design, remove=None, types=None, axis=1, auto_convert_numeric=True, use_unmatched_index=True): """ Build a MultiIndex from a design table. Supply with a table with column headings for the new multiindex and a index containing the labels to search for in the data. :param df: :param design: :param remove: :param types: :param axis: :param auto_convert_numeric: :return: """ df = df.copy() if 'Label' not in design.index.names: design = design.set_index('Label') if remove is None: remove = [] unmatched_for_index = [] labels = design.index.values names = design.columns.values idx_levels = len(names) indexes = [] # Convert numeric only columns_to_combine; except index if auto_convert_numeric: design = design.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) # The match columns are always strings, so the index must also be design.index = design.index.astype(str) # Apply type settings if types: for n, t in types.items(): if n in design.columns.values: design[n] = design[n].astype(t) # Build the index for lo in df.columns.values: l = copy(lo) for s in remove: l = l.replace(s, '') # Remove trailing/forward spaces l = l.strip() # Convert to numeric if possible l = numeric(l) # Attempt to match to the labels try: # Index idx = design.loc[str(l)] except: if use_unmatched_index: unmatched_for_index.append(lo) else: # No match, fill with None idx = tuple([None] * idx_levels) indexes.append(idx) else: # We have a matched row, store it idx = tuple(idx.values) indexes.append(idx) if axis == 0: df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(indexes, names=names) else: # If using unmatched for index, append if use_unmatched_index: df = df.set_index(unmatched_for_index, append=True) df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(indexes, names=names) return df
[docs]def build_index_from_labels(df, indices, remove=None, types=None, axis=1): """ Build a MultiIndex from a list of labels and matching regex Supply with a dictionary of Hierarchy levels and matching regex to extract this level from the sample label :param df: :param indices: Tuples of indices ('label','regex') matches :param strip: Strip these strings from labels before matching (e.g. headers) :param axis=1: Axis (1 = columns, 0 = rows) :return: """ df = df.copy() if remove is None: remove = [] if types is None: types = {} idx = [df.index, df.columns][axis] indexes = [] for l in idx.get_level_values(0): for s in remove: l = l.replace(s, '') ixr = [] for n, m in indices: m =, l) if m: r = if n in types: # Map this value to a new type r = types[n](r) else: r = None ixr.append(r) indexes.append( tuple(ixr) ) if axis == 0: df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(indexes, names=[n for n, _ in indices]) else: df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(indexes, names=[n for n, _ in indices]) return df
[docs]def get_unique_indices(df, axis=1): """ :param df: :param axis: :return: """ return dict(zip(df.columns.names, dif.columns.levels))
[docs]def strip_index_labels(df, strip, axis=1): """ :param df: :param strip: :param axis: :return: """ df = df.copy() if axis == 0: df.columns = [c.replace(strip, '') for c in df.columns] elif axis == 1: df.columns = [c.replace(strip, '') for c in df.columns] return df
[docs]def combine_expression_columns(df, columns_to_combine, remove_combined=True): """ Combine expression columns, calculating the mean for 2 columns :param df: Pandas dataframe :param columns_to_combine: A list of tuples containing the column names to combine :return: """ df = df.copy() for ca, cb in columns_to_combine: df["%s_(x+y)/2_%s" % (ca, cb)] = (df[ca] + df[cb]) / 2 if remove_combined: for ca, cb in columns_to_combine: df.drop([ca, cb], inplace=True, axis=1) return df
[docs]def expand_side_table(df): """ Perform equivalent of 'expand side table' in Perseus by folding Multiplicity columns down onto duplicate rows The id is remapped to UID___Multiplicity, which is different to Perseus behaviour, but prevents accidental of non-matching rows from occurring later in analysis. :param df: :return: """ df = df.copy() idx = df.index.names df.reset_index(inplace=True) def strip_multiplicity(df): df.columns = [c[:-4] for c in df.columns] return df def strip_multiple(s): for sr in ['___1','___2','___3']: if s.endswith(sr): s = s[:-4] return s base = df.filter(regex='.*(?<!___\d)$') # Remove columns that will match ripped multiplicity columns for c in df.columns.values: if strip_multiple(c) != c and strip_multiple(c) in list(base.columns.values): base.drop(strip_multiple(c), axis=1, inplace=True) multi1 = df.filter(regex='^.*___1$') multi1 = strip_multiplicity(multi1) multi1['Multiplicity'] = '___1' multi1 = pd.concat([multi1, base], axis=1) multi2 = df.filter(regex='^.*___2$') multi2 = strip_multiplicity(multi2) multi2['Multiplicity'] = '___2' multi2 = pd.concat([multi2, base], axis=1) multi3 = df.filter(regex='^.*___3$') multi3 = strip_multiplicity(multi3) multi3['Multiplicity'] = '___3' multi3 = pd.concat([multi3, base], axis=1) df = pd.concat([multi1, multi2, multi3], axis=0) df['id'] = ["%s%s" % (a, b) for a, b in zip(df['id'], df['Multiplicity'])] if idx[0] is not None: df.set_index(idx, inplace=True) return df
[docs]def apply_experimental_design(df, f, prefix='Intensity '): """ Load the experimental design template from MaxQuant and use it to apply the label names to the data columns. :param df: :param f: File path for the experimental design template :param prefix: :return: dt """ df = df.copy() edt = pd.read_csv(f, sep='\t', header=0) edt.set_index('Experiment', inplace=True) new_column_labels = [] for l in df.columns.values: try: l = edt.loc[l.replace(prefix, '')]['Name'] except (IndexError, KeyError): pass new_column_labels.append(l) df.columns = new_column_labels return df
[docs]def transform_expression_columns(df, fn=np.log2, prefix='Intensity '): """ Apply transformation to expression columns. Default is log2 transform to expression columns beginning with Intensity :param df: :param prefix: The column prefix for expression columns :return: """ df = df.copy() mask = [l.startswith(prefix) for l in df.columns.values] df.iloc[:, mask] = fn(df.iloc[:, mask]) return df
[docs]def fold_columns_to_rows(df, levels_from=2): """ Take a levels from the columns and fold down into the row index. This destroys the existing index; existing rows will appear as columns under the new column index :param df: :param levels_from: The level (inclusive) from which column index will be folded :return: """ df = df.copy() df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) # Wipe out the current index df = df.T # Build all index combinations a = [list( set( df.index.get_level_values(i) ) ) for i in range(0, levels_from)] combinations = list(itertools.product(*a)) names = df.index.names[:levels_from] concats = [] for c in combinations: try: dfcc = df.loc[c] except KeyError: continue else: # Silly pandas if len(dfcc.shape) == 1: continue dfcc.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([c]*dfcc.shape[1], names=names) concats.append(dfcc) # Concatenate dfc = pd.concat(concats, axis=1) dfc.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) # Fix name if collapsed if is None: = df.index.names[-1] return dfc